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OK, true, multimedia storytelling has become big. So the hyper words saying ‘the next big thing’ is coming, from years ago, became reality. Now we’re all going crazy on it and telling our clients they have to keep up, or "your brand will become a fish looking for water while swimming in the Indian Ocean”. But that doesn’t mean we cannot put our finger on the right spots and clear up some things.

So let's debunk a few myths:

1. Multimedia strategy is complete new, look at these times of revolution and innovation!

Wrong. What about the times when you (or your parents) received a door-to-door flyer from your Church, while the same day you saw the preacher on the tele and the next live session is coming up in the building at the end of the street? That’s print plus broadcasting plus event. Very multi-media. That is even multi-platform!

2. Multimedia execution requires a large budget

It requires preparation and knowledge of craft. If your team is well-prepared before execution, it will know were to get the right content for which media. So yes, direct your reporter back to the interviewee, when he doesn’t come back with at least three exciting quotes to tweet in the days before the interview goes online. You'd better spend your money on talent and knowledge, than waste it on promotions and advertising if you don't have meaningful content

3. Multiplatform Storytelling is any executed strategy involving more than one platform

Repeating your story on another platform doesn't necessarily add to the experience. OK, you're allowed to call it multiplatform from there, but what about the storytelling part if you keep doing the parrot thing? Each medium does what it does best - comic books provide back-story, games might allow you to explore the world, and your smartphone is the fastest of ‘m all. Use them in their talents. You wouldn’t send your full-grown 5’3 son to a basketball talent day, would you?

4. You will be ensured of audience engagement

There is a clear ranking for media and platforms on engagement performance tests. Off course, nothing beats live events. Who has ever forgotten the first outdoor dance festival that she has ever been? Or his first karate class? Tablets are the big platform runner up in engagement analytics, especially for advertisers. For media, video is the big winner, e.g. more than sixty percent of social media re-posts are videos. No, not much engagement on Twitter. But very useful in your strategy, yes!

5. A story has to be suitable for a multimedia approach

Any story is. A story can star in any media on any platform as well. We can write about an offshore rig and connect it to teens as well as to senior citizens or to professional sportsmen and -women. It is just all about the angle.

And we'll get back to you with five new myths from the longlist soon!

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