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Why you need to become a movie director

Video rapidly is becoming the number one form of social media content. People don't want to read text anymore, they want to watch and listen - and be compelled. Video is storytelling by definition, since video is always bringing real life to screens.

Maybe that's why video probably is the best tool to get audiences activated, to lead visitors to conversion. More than 60% of content shares on social media (like retweets) are video's.

But for most of the not-so-big companies the translation of their messages into a professional produced video is a bridge too far. Script writing, actors, director, film set, post production, it seems to be too much strain on your budget.

It doesn't need to be anymore. There is a growing number of solutions available. Like the animated video, easier to produce than it used to be due to the digital revolution.

Did you watch this video entirely? You probably did, though you are not intereset in the service it's selling. But the little story is told in a proficient way, including a starring personality, among other trics.

Animated drawings can get you an attractive videostory without the Hollywood hassle and budgets. You can make them as easy as just using your whiteboard, or use some dedicated software like Videoscribe (click to see how simple it is).

There are tons of video forms that are being used nowadays to attract and engage online users. In posts coming up we will discuss more examples. To give you one: the explainer video, an extremely popular form heavily shared on social. People want to know how things work and how to do-it-yourself. If you have something to sell, first show and tell how it works, assembles or how to fix it (for less...).

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